Sometimes I feel strange. Am I from the earth? No, No, to be more realistic, am I Egyptian? I ask myself this question a lot. May be because my thoughts and opinions are not acceptable by the traditional Egyptians"they think they are silly". My family and my friends make me feel frustrated. They even do not allow me to dream “a dream, a dream Bang! Bang!". They always push me to be like them. I don't say they are bad or something, but I want to be myself "I'm done with frustration". I want to go to my goal with their support. You know sometimes I face the criticism from the person I love the most " Shock, Shock" What is the reason of this ? Maybe they are right? Or maybe they don't have a goal, they want to be traditional, live and die in silence. I really feel frightened when I think that I'm gunna to be like them...I don't know what to do!!!