I will start with a question.
Did you test this before? "I hat him/her although I don't know him/her well"
"The First Impression" .Aha,it some times stands as a wall between you and someone who may be one day become one of your best friends.
I'm going to tell you a story ;
one day A meet B
A : Hi,How are you?
B : Fine.
A : Did you see D?
B : No,and I don't like to do.
A : Why?
B : I don't know,but I don't like him and when I see him I feel like I'm going to kill him.
A : Did he do something wrong?
B : For me?No.
A : Do you know him very well?
B : No.
A : Do you think he feels the same towards you?
B : I don't know.
A : So,why you hat him?
B : I don't know.
Day after day we create a list of people we don't like, even without any reason. I think it's the first impression,you had seen him/her but you didn't like him/her.I think all of us might face this before, but the question is "WHY?" Don't expect the answer here,I really don't know,so I wrote this post hoping to find the answer.
اعتقد انها حاجة نفسية كدة زى الطاقة النفسية الكامنة دوة كل واحد مننا او بالبلدى كدة >> كيميا
تسمع حد يقولك مفيش بينى وبينه كيميا يعنى تفاعل وانسجام :)
والله اعلم
وانا كمان والله يا عمده مش عارفه ليه
تعرف انها حصلت معايا
واحده كانت زميلتى ف الكليه
ودلوقتى من اعز اصدقائى مره قالتلى تعرفى انى ما كنتش بطيقك اول ما اتعرفت عليكى ف الكليه ههههههههههههههه
وسبحان الله دلوقتى احنا لتنين انتيم هههههههه
aha........it happen...but i dont have the answer ust like u....any way happy feast
I don't have answer for this either.. Some will look at one from the outside, what one looks like; if one's look is bad to them they suddenly hate that person.. There are so many reasons why this happens but they are bad reasons.. we should never have hate for anyone.. We should know someone well then if we do not wish to be their friend they have reason.. People hate others for their looks, religion, race, ..... I think really there is no reason why we do this...
"the first impression is the last definition " Emad! the people we meet every day that we like or dont like depends on how they act in their first meeting and what they say and how they say it with expressions or without that is what defines the relationship between any one even if they are going to be married
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