Every night when I go to bed, black strange thoughts and ideas attack my brain "a hole opened into my brain". I start thinking and thinking about a lot of things that don't belong to me. I keep assuming situations and problems and start thinking what I'm going to do. I don't know why, and I don't know how to get rid of it. I wish if I have a shutdown button to shutdown my upsetting active brain. My temporary solution is to keep myself busy until I sleep from exhaustion. Please if you have a solution for my problem, don't hesitate and send it to me…..3omda
hello 3omda
it is ma pleasure to see ur blog
ma solution for u is love ur self as it is
c u
It's my pleasure too Hossam, to receive your comment.
Hossam yes I do, I accept myself as it is.
But the problem "I can not stop my mind for awhile".Every night when I try to sleep the upsetting series starts.do u know the most thing that bother me? these problem,it's not mine and I don't know why these ideas attack me.I hope one day I'll be able to go bed in peace.
mmmmmmmmm listen Emad
I have the same problem occasionally, and used to have it a lot more.
The way I deal with it is by listening to some music or to a lecture, or by reading a book directly before sleeping. Also, if you find that you are anxious about things that you still have to do, try writing a list, and crossing off things that you do, so that when you go to bed you know you have accomplished something that day, and the next days tasks won't seem so scattered or intimidating. It will help calm your anxiety.
you know :) Best of all,
read some of the Quranic verses that you reservation then close your eyes and sleep peacefully.
Thank u hope,I really appreciate your advice.I'll try to do,may be it works ISA and thank u again.
لا بص لو حد لقى لك حل ابقى قوللى عليه انا كمان ماشى؟؟؟
we all have this problem but it differ from one to another and also the way to over come it ! whatever it was.try before sleep to throw everything in your mind behind you and imagine beautifull things ,dreams you wanna it to be true .
Hi 3omda:)
sometimes when this happens to me, I like to go for a quiet walk, even late at night..It is very relaxing and it helps me to calm my mind so I can sleep...Also pray to Allah and ask him for his help.. Tell Allah ur problem why u cant sleep and He will help U:)
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