It's confusing and complicated, yes. Did you ever built an image about your future life partner? Do you have that clear mental picture about how he/she will look like? If you already have these things, do you think that you are going to meet this perfect person? I know some people who have an accurate image about their future life partner. Even me! I have this image too, unless I believe it will be something totally different. Who knows? May be my recent image is not as so good as I thought. I believe in destiny and I believe that I'll meet my future life partner without any arrangement or planning even without any previous built image, it will be my destiny. What about you? Do have a list of preferred properties? Do you have an Image? Mmm, you already have a life partner. How is he? As what you have imagined? Or something different!!!!!!! Please take care and don't be hasty, it is a life's journey.
you know Emad it is really true what you wrote and i believe it myself .so from my experience i learned to accept destiny but not any more i am going insallah to choose my life partner carefully next time with some characteristic that i need it to be in him . not just totally different ! believe you must find something in commmon with him \her to be able to continue
Thank you Amal,but I didn't mean by the "destiny" to accept anyone the point is U shouldn't take this issue on your shoulder it's your destiny and it will be for sure
ok.for sure its distny... and it will be a shock if i arrange for something and not find it..also may be it will in frount of me and i dont care because of my arrangements....
Smart comment...........
You are right... We all imagine what are life partner could be. I do this also. Insha Allah I will meet him one day soon.. I will meet him when the day comes..:) We must never try to arrange our life partner, but like you said we all have a destiny and when we do meet our life love, this will be our destiny.. A very wonderful destiny :)
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