what is your mental picture about terrorism ?
Lets see,
First, As Americans or Europeans:-
The terrorist is bearded man wearing a white Galabya and almost he is a Muslim, Or a veiled woman with black gown hides bombs and guns under her clothes.
Second, As Arabs or Muslims in general:-
Terrorist is American, Europeans or Jewish.
Let's start thinking, why we have this picture about each other? I'll tell you, the media,yes the media.The way they show the events.They always don't give us the whole picture.They always give us the part they want.I don't know if it is intentional or by mistake.
As American or European you will see in the news and movies bearded men with guns trying to kill Americans or Europeans, so you will build your own thoughts about bearded men as terrorists and this is the first mistake, not all the bearded men are terrorists.May be you will ask who are these people?They will tell you, they are Arabs.This is the second mistake not all the Arabs are bearded.
As Arab or Muslim you will see the damage in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine
..etc by Americans or Europeans. As a result you will also build your thoughts that all the Americans and Europeans are terrorists and murders. This is a mistake we must(differentiate between governments and civilians)
So Who are the real terrorists?
Lets start searching....I'm a waiting for your results..
i agree with u we must know that there are big different between government and street men... my result is the terrorist is any body dont know that huminity means u are responsible for others as well as u...
a wise opinion Enjy....
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