We have many walls in our life even inside ourselves, yes it's a fact.Lets ask ourselves ,how many times you and me felt that we are bounded ? Want to speak but not able to do,because of the walls.When will we be able to speak????There are many words waiting to come out.Walls walls, what these walls are?Traditions,policies,Habits,Thoughts,cowardice,pride or what?Do you remember a situation required something to be done but you did not because of walls?Now do you imagine what would happen if you did?Mmm,a deep breath "It's your distiny".Do you have the courageousness now to enlarge your chances in the future by saying what you belive in even it is not acceptable by the others?You and me lets make a decision now "We will speak,we will not be silent anymore"express yourself nothing will kill you.If you have an opinion,say it don't hesitat even it was wrong ,just a try is something good.Negativity was imposed on us since our childhood,don't speak when the adults speak,don't do this you still young "don't do,don't do,don't do" tell we became afraid to do or say anything.I hope not to do the same with our children in the future ISA.
My life is a big WALL :)
good blog..good ideas :)
thank you for your comment as you say you have walls in your life as me and others so make the decision now that you are going through the walls
عمدة انا هعلق بالعربي مع اني بعرف اقرا انجليزي وبحبه جدا بس بعرف اعبر بالعربي اكتر
موضوع الجدران في حياتنا دي قصة كبيرة انا شايفة انك تناولتها بعمق
ساعات بيبقى عندك خوف او رهبة من حاجة معينة ومعندكش اسباب منطقية لده
ومفيش تفسيرغيران في حواجز بتمنعك
تحياتي ليك بوست مميز
Hi Rana,
thank u for your comment.Write your comments as u like "English or Arabic"
wow.......all of us have walls its true... follwing your words is very useful.. when you break one of your lifs walls u will release your soul little bit.. wall after wall you will earn your complete freedom.. it will be great fellings when u feel that u are strong enough to make your fait and tour life will be more better.. thank u for this great words i pay a complete attention when i read your posts...
Hi Enjy,
Thank u for your lovely comment,
"when you break one of your life's walls u will release your soul little bit.. wall after wall you will earn your complete freedom"
I like this expression........
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