Hi guys,after my last post "Rewrite",I want to start a practical movement.I want to start a campaign.A campaign to change to the better.As I think we all done with boredom,boredom from failure,cheat,disloyalty and more....
The world goes faster than we imagine.Where are we?We want to regain our seat on board.
How can we do this?How to change for better?
I have a suggestion,if we want to come back to the race,we must improve our performance in our four life's sides.
Spiritual,Social,Practical and health the four life's sides "as I think-personal thought-".
Let's start,
Spiritual side:-
How do you do in your relation with Allah?
Social side:-
How do you do with people"your family,your friends,your colleagues and the people who you don't know"?
Practical side:-
Are you an effective person "in your home,in your work or in your society"?
health side:-
Do you live a healthy life?I mean as you can.
I will not settle for just inquire.I will suggest some practical movements.
First in the spiritual side;
Do you pray?If no,you have to do and if yes,pray more and ask Allah for help.
Second in the social side;
please if you have an argument with any one,forgive him immediately and try to treat him better than he do,because this is your nature "YOU ARE A NOBLE".
Don't be tough with others and be sure that everyone has his own reasons.
Third,in the practical side;
Be initiate person.Learn new skills related or not to your career.Improve your language and learn computer very well because it's the future.Be effective and helpful to your society,if you have some skills, try to teach others "Start with your family,friends,colleagues or online people" don't be stingy.
Fourth and finally,our health;
I know that we suffer from pollution and exhaustion,but try as much as you can.Stop smoking "I was smoking but I quit from now"I hope you all do the same now.
Thank you all for reading, I know it's a big post :D ,but I hope to be a real campaign for change.
I'm waiting for your suggestions and to know what did you do.
Consider it as a homework "try to take a step everyday"
It will be nice if you send what did you do in each side, and don't forget it's not just an article for reading ,it's an agreement between us all to change for better.
If you write about this issue in your blog in your own style,it will be a great addition and if you don't like to do,link this one to yours
With my best wishes,Emad
I will start now.I'm going to Fajer prayer
A great post 3omda :)
i'm the same my friend .. i started praying Al.Fajr again after a big quit :S
hope to complete ur goals right :)
best wishes 3omda :)
Thank you Fox,
what do you think about The four sides?Do you have another opinion?
It'll be nice fox if you send your experiences in your try to change
you are the best emad
Thank Enjy for your sweet comment
wewre are u emad????
SORRY ABOUT THIS! when you are reading this dont stop or something bad will happen! My name is summer i am 15 years old i have blonde hair,many scars no nose or ears..i am dead.if you dont copy this just like from the ring, on 5 more sites.. or..i will appear one dark quiet night when your not expecting it by your bed with a knife and kill you. this is no joke something good will happen to you if you post this on 5 more pages
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